After communicating with the Grand Lodge of North Carolina and out of an abundance of caution for our lodge member’s and the community’s safety given the possible risk of exposure to the coronavirus, the following items are being an enacted effective immediately:

– Spring School of Instruction next week is canceled for both nights and will not be rescheduled

– The Grand Master’s visit to the 32nd District on April 1st is still scheduled however it will likely be canceled. More info to follow as it becomes available.

-The Code does not allow for a Stated Communication to be canceled, however, it does specify that if not enough members are present for a quorum, the meeting cannot be held. Therefore, the Grand Master is recommending that we encourage all members to NOT attend any scheduled meetings at the lodge until further notice.

Additional information will be communicated to you as soon as possible. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out to an officer or fellow member.
