Chris Wilcoit Lecture Recap

  FEBRUARY 22nd 2016. Excelsior Lodge N0. 261 held an educational session with Brother Chris Wilhoit, Master of Conover Lodge No. 248, speaking on The Lodge System of Masonic Education. Brothers from Excelsior, Temple, and James K. Polk enjoyed learning about a great method to help our members, and especially the candidates working their way through the

Grand Master Visit

Bryant Webster, Grand Master of Masons in North Carolina, visited Excelsior for our January Stated Communication. He delivered a great message to all present on challenges facing the lodge as well as the prospects for a bright future with involvement from all members of our lodge.

Lost Symbol

“I have enormous respect for the Masons,” Dan Brown told the Associated Press during a recent interview. “In the most fundamental terms, with different cultures killing each other over whose version of God is correct, here is a worldwide organization that essentially says, “We don’t care what you call God, or what you think about