Excelsior Zoom Meeting

We've had several successful Zoom meetings and with this coming Monday, June 1st supposed to be our regular lodge meeting, we'd like to invite you to join us for a brief social get together and perhaps a little education on another Zoom call. Check your email or reach out to the Secretary for log in

Lodge Officers FC Practice & Next Members Check-In Meeting

The Officers will be practicing the FC degree via a secure Zoom meeting on Monday at 7pm. If you are an officer and didn't get a meeting link, please reach out to the secretary. We will likely skip next Monday the 25th in honor of Memorial Day and hold another all members check-in and education

Lodge Virtual Meeting

We had a great time last week with over a dozen members joining us for a virtual lodge meeting on Zoom. We checked in with everyone present and then did some education. This Monday the 4th at 7pm, we are going to have another meeting so please join us. For instructions on joining, please reach